Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday funday.

We had to suffer through another perfect day in Southern California today. 

We could have layed on the couch all day and watched the NFL playoffs.  (Well we did that for most of the morning).

But we decided to get up, put our shoes on, and enjoy the outdoors!

We loaded up our bikes and drove down to Mission Bay.

We were so excited to ride bikes (his new favorite word is bike....)

On our trek, we found a really fun playground and stopped to rest (and play).

Look Mommy, I am driving!  (who is the lazy guy in the back.)

All smiles - which is rare these days with the terrible twos (that started about 6 months ago for us)

I think I am ready to head home now.

Our scenery was so pretty.

Happy Sunday!  Enjoy your week!

Ours is off to a great start!

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