Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Time out.

Mimi came to see us this past weekend and we were so excited! Unfortunately Jonah was not on his best behavior; in fact he was downright bad! I have been battling tantrums and Mimi got to see firsthand what a handful Jonah is. I am off to Barnes and Noble tomorrow to purchase some books on dealing with "high-spirited" children. The polite way of saying "brats!!". I have received lots of remarks lately about Jonah when we are out in public, from "my what an active boy" to "fun age isn't it?". I am starting to think I should become a hermit and never leave the house as to avoid any more public embarrassment.

Jonah loves his mimi on skype but in person he wasn't as sure. He had wonderful moments with her tickling at the table and watching movies and bad moments screaming and trying to bite her!!! I have a few battle wounds from Jonah's tantrums as he is quite strong and likes to hit, bite, kick, head butt.....I am open to suggestions. Right now we spank and send to time-out. I am working on ignoring the tantrums (harder in public).
I am feeling more like a parent than I ever have. Learning to discipline is proving to be my biggest challenge, especially with how young Jonah is. He is smarter than I give him credit for and I believe he is mastering the art of "manipulating mommy." I am determined to persevere through and continue on my quest in raising a kind, compassionate and well mannered child - and pray he'll grow out of it :)
Here are some snapshots of mimi's trip. I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked, mainly because I was busy reprimanding!!

We went to the zoo of course, our favorite place!  Mimi getting attacked by the Lorikeets.

Next stop - DISNEY!  My mom was kind enough to treat us all to a day at the Magic Kingdom!  It was Canadian Thanksgiving and Columbus Day so it was beyond crowded, but we made the best of it.  Jonah was really good on all the rides we could make it on, he just wasn't so good at waiting in line....

This was about 3 seconds before he threw a fit and practically threw himself off the horse.

Although it is mid-October, it's still hot and humid in FL.  Cool pineapple treat was just what we needed!

Thanks for everything mom, we loved seeing you and miss you already!  Next time you see Jonah hopefully he will have grown out of his terrible temper :)

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