Thursday, August 11, 2011

old friends.

Yesterday, Jonah and I made a day trip down to Fort Myers, FL to see our very dear friends James and Calay and their two little ones Delcie and Andrew.  James and Calay are friends from our San Diego days.  They live in Charlotte, NC now and were vacationing in FL so we were happy enough to drive the two hours south for a visit.

Andrew is just 8 days older than Jonah so it was fun to compare their size, etc.  Andrew is much bigger than my little shrimp :)  We went to Imaginarium which is a small aquarium/hands on musuem.  It was a lot of fun and really good to see the Swifts! 

Jonah and Andrew looking at the Sting Rays!

Delcie and Jonah.  I can't belive how big she is!  She's gonna be 7 this year!  I used to baby sit her in San Diego when she was 6 months old!

Calay and Andrew

Jonah with his sting ray stuffed animal....tantrum in the gift shop.  He won.

The boys a year ago.  What a difference!

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