Thursday, July 21, 2011

training days.

Jonah is almost 17 months, time to put on his game face and start training.  After all,  he will be taking over the family business one day.  And as Brody sets off to train his little boy to be a strong waterman, there are a few rules he must remember.

1.  Hold on to Dad's hand at all times in the water.  Well.... at least until you learn to swim.

2. Don't be afraid to ask for a boost, everyone needs a hand sometimes.

3.  Start off on your knees.  It's best to take your time when attempting a new activity. 

4.  A smile goes a long way and so do muscle tees , the perfect attire for schlepping boards.

5.  Always protect yourself from the sun.  Large hats are a good start.

6. Hydrate when needed.

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