Friday, December 30, 2011

Puppy Love.

Happy Birthday to my sweet Charlie who turns 6 today!  He's been with us through it all - from CA to HI to VA to FL and back to CA.  He is a very good pup.  He loves to go to the park and the beach.  He LOVES to eat (as you can tell).  He follows his mom around the house.  He constantly begs for food (one main reason he is a fan of mr. jonah).  He Snores loud when he sleeps.  He doesn't play fetch with a ball, but will go crazy for a frisbee.  He was my first baby :)

We love you Charlie!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

six years.

Happy 6th Anniversary Brody, it's been nothing short of an adventure.  Love you.

Monday, December 26, 2011

the most wonderful time of the year.

Christmas 2011 is under our belt, along with a couple extra pounds of yummy treats. Compared to our whirlwind couple of months, the Welte's had a rather low key Holiday. I struggled this year with trying to teach Jonah the true meaning of Christmas...I know he is a bit young for that, so maybe I was trying to refresh my memory. It is hard not to get romanced by the ribbons and bows. Christmas as the Grinch finely put it, "means a little bit more".

I think the true meaning of Christmas is hope and of course, love. Although we all have struggles in our lives, we can praise the Lord for our blessings. Count them, they will always outweigh the heartbreak.

I hope you all had a very merry one this year, and may God Bless you beyond your wildest imaginations in 2012.

Here are some snapshots of our San Diego truely was the most wonderful time of the year.

There were kids jingle belling.  (Jonah awaiting the Holiday Lights Show in Del Mar)

And everyone telling you "Be of good Cheer" (We needed some good cheer waiting in those long lines!)

It's the most wonderful time of the year (Especially in San Diego where Christmas Day was a lovely 70 Degrees)

It's the hap-happiest season of all! (Jonah celebrating Jesus' Birthday with a cupcake on Christmas Eve).

Yes, it's the most wonderful time of the year.

Jonah was spoiled by us, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and friends.  He was so spoiled in fact that I decided next year to follow a new guideline for Christmas.  (Something to wear, Something to read, Something you want and Something you need).  After all, the focus needs to be off the presents and on the big man upstairs (not the North Pole)....he is after all the reason for the season.

Merry Christmas from Brody, Jessie, Jonah, Charlie and Dakine.

Monday, December 19, 2011

a hike.

We went for a hike today.  We haven't been on a family hike since Kauai.  It wasn't exactly the same.  Jonah hasn't caught on to our love for the trails yet.  He had open spaces to run, yet wanted to be held.  He was actually quite grumpy on our hike.   I was too after I had to carry a 25lb toddler up hills.

We were all smiles at the start.

Dakine wasn't following the rules.

My little man, not into the whole walking thing.

My four legged children however were more than happy to run through the dirt.

We didn't like riding on mommy's shoulders either.

Please no pictures.

Happy trails....hopefully we'll have better luck next time.

Monday, December 5, 2011

O Christmas Tree

This weekend we met Santa.

We weren't too impressed.

We also met princess, the shetland pony.

Also, not so impressed.

But the trees were another thing all together....

We were very impressed.
We ran through the mazes of Monterey Pines.

We even cut one down ourselves.

Here is our impressive 1st Xmas Tree in San Diego (Round 2).

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I am thankful for our new house in Cardiff, CA

I am thankful for our comfy couch and warm fireplace which has already been used for a cozy Thanksgiving fire.

He is thankful we live on a cul-de-sac so he can play cars outside.

I am thankful for my nice big kitchen that helped me cook a very delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

I am thankful I didn't ruin my first turkey and everything turned out great.

I am thankful we got to share the day with friends and family.  Brody's cousin Ben, his girlfriend Anna and our friend Tucker were at the dinner table with us this year.

I am most thankful for this little guy.

I am thankful that I got chosen to sit at the kids table.

And finally, I am very thankful that we still have this furry guy at our door.  After a fatal dose of raisins we weren't sure if he was going to be with us.

God is good.
Happy Thanksgiving!