Monday, June 7, 2010

oil on my mind.

so we haven't been directly affected by the oil - yet. It's pretty much all the talk of the town here in FL and if you don't live here, you may not realize just how horrible this oil situation is. It is not only destroying the wildlife, but the beaches, wetlands, tourism industry, fisheries, businesses....

While the Tampa Bay area is far from the oil today, it doesn't mean we won't be affected. Our business 100% relies on the water here and if the oil were to come it would be the end of our hard work. So for now, we just pray they contain it, pray for no hurricanes and take it day by day.

We had our monthly paddle yesterday out at Weedon Island. It was a lot of fun, just VERY HOT! The humidity is in full force here with temperatures in the 90s and so humid you sweat before you open your front door....ahhh welcome to our lovely FL summers.

Jonah came to the paddle, missed out on all the fun. He's 14lbs 8oz, 26 inches long - at just 3 months!!

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