Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pooling around.

Jonah and I had a fun afternoon hanging out with my friend Tracy and her two boys at the pool. Jonah actually looked like he was kicking his legs!! I think I will have a water baby for sure!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

60 years

Today is my Dad's 60th birthday! And if you have had the pleasure of meeting John Fahey, you know he is 60 years young not old.

Happy 60th Birthday Daddy!!! Love you!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I'm a big boy now

Jonah is 4 months old next week. FOUR MONTHS! He is no longer a little baby, he's growing up so fast!

He can sit in his bumbo....

He likes to watch TV, here he is watching the World Cup w/ Brody...

He smiles and laughs and has a BIG personality...

I love my big boy so much...even though he looks like a deer caught in the headlights for 90% of his pictures :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

family vacation....carolina on my mind!

Jonah and I leave in 2 1/2 weeks for a vacation in Cape Hatteras with my family. Hatteras is one of, no forget that, it is my favorite place. Maybe it's because I have such fond memories as a child of our yearly vacations, or maybe it's because that's where my dad taught me to surf, or where I ate endless amounts of beer battered shrimp. Whether it's the timeless beaches, historic lighthouse, yummy seafood, or laid back family time, we are so excited to go!! I can't wait to make this a yearly tradition for Jonah as it was for me. That's what it's all about right?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

lazy days

Nothing really new to report. We've had a couple of lazy days around the house in between lessons and rentals. It's been nice. Much needed. For all of us....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy fathers day!

it's knee deep water....I am not that crazy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

new friend.

Jonah has a new buddy that he likes to cuddle with at nap and bedtime...

no it's not me!

it's his little froggy blanket.

Thanks Swift Family!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


and the living's easy

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

this and that.

we have a sunroom that doesn't get much use in our house. I decided today to make it Jonah's playroom. He'll appreciate it more when he gets older, but for now, it has his pack n play, swing and bouncy! It has given us more room in the rest of the house which has recently been taken over by Jonah :)

my boys @ nap precious.

I think one of the best days I have had so far was the day Jonah discovered his hands....can we say THANK GOD for self-soothing :)

Jonah is starting to grip things. He especially loves his octopus that hangs from his "exercise gym".

Monday, June 7, 2010

oil on my mind.

so we haven't been directly affected by the oil - yet. It's pretty much all the talk of the town here in FL and if you don't live here, you may not realize just how horrible this oil situation is. It is not only destroying the wildlife, but the beaches, wetlands, tourism industry, fisheries, businesses....

While the Tampa Bay area is far from the oil today, it doesn't mean we won't be affected. Our business 100% relies on the water here and if the oil were to come it would be the end of our hard work. So for now, we just pray they contain it, pray for no hurricanes and take it day by day.

We had our monthly paddle yesterday out at Weedon Island. It was a lot of fun, just VERY HOT! The humidity is in full force here with temperatures in the 90s and so humid you sweat before you open your front door....ahhh welcome to our lovely FL summers.

Jonah came to the paddle, missed out on all the fun. He's 14lbs 8oz, 26 inches long - at just 3 months!!