Thursday, May 6, 2010

happy birthday brody

Today is Brody's 34th birthday! He spent it working (shocker) and Jonah and I spent it cleaning (shocker) and baking :)

chocolate peanut butter cake with cream cheese frosting, a real diet buster for those of us trying to lose our baby weight

It's been pretty stressful here trying to keep our business a float, planning two really major events, having a new baby, dealing with finances, yada yada, trust me I could go I was thinking today of a day when Brody and I spent the whole day together, no cell phones ringing, no dogs barking, no babies crying....oddly enough I thought of his birthday 2 years ago. We went hiking in Waimea Canyon in Kauai. We used to go hiking all the time. It was a good day. I miss those days...

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