Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Cheers to good health!

November 3rd - 6th marked the one year anniverary of when Asher was hospitalized for a staph infection.  I still thank God everyday that he was OK and we got to take him home after just 3 days.
To celebrate our health and God's mercies, we went to the zoo!  We love animals, so it was fitting for this family, who may fit in a little too well at the zoo.
Asher loved walking around.  He's currently obsessed with birds, so he enjoyed the aviaries a lot!

Rare blonde koloa sighting.

My sweet Ash at just a week old in the hospital.  One year later he is a spunky toddler.

It is easy to take your health for granted. 
We are so happy that we are all healthy and thriving.
Cheers to many more healthy years ahead.

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