Saturday, October 5, 2013


My favorite time of the year is here!  I love all things Fall; pumpkins, cool breezes and sweet candy corn.  So far, we've had amazing San Diego weather to accompany the season, although today the Santa Ana winds are here and it's a bit hot!
Jonah is loving preschool and eagerly runs toward his class when it's time to go.  He had show and tell last week and brought in his Mickey Mouse doll.  His teacher said, he talked and talked about Mickey.  I guess we don't have to worry about him being shy, although I never really did.  He stays for lunch bunch and has already made lots of new friends.  I really love his artwork he brings home and the songs he sings.  I hope he always loves going to school.  I am not naive though and realize that he probably won't be running to his class in middle school.  Oh well, until then I'll relish in the delight he gets out of it now - oh and the delight I get for some free Jonah time :) .
Ashe continues to thrive and is approaching his first birthday believe it or not!  I have been reflecting a lot on the time he was in the hospital for his staph infection and I thank God everyday, he is Ok.  He is turning into quite the fiesty little guy.  He's still not walking, but I don't think it will be too long before he does.  He is super active and into everything!  Jonah has been a lot more aggressive with him as Asher now guns for his toys, so most of my days are spent being the sharing police - not my favorite mommy duty.  They will be best friends one day right?
Today, I took them to a pumpkin station for a little Fall fun.  Here are a few pictures of my boys who are growing up so fast! 

Getting that pacifier out of Asher's mouth is going to be a daunting task!  He just loves that thing!

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