Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby.

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday sweet Asher, Happy Birthday to you.
I can't believe you are one years old.  It seems like yesterday I was holding you in my arms after you were born thinking of how sweet you were, that you barely cried and that you looked like your brother's twin.
You still continue to be the sweetest boy.  You have brought so much joy into my life and I can't imagine a time before I had you.  I know that you put up with a lot in this house and don't always get the attention you need or deserve, but thanks for hanging in there.  Your big brother will come around eventually and stop bossing you around so much when he sees the amazing friend and partner in crime that he has in you.  One day you will share stories, gang up on mom together and even share a room where you can spill secrets, make forts and stay up past your bed time.  As your mom, I am so excited to watch you and your brother become best friends.
Like your big brother at age one, you are facinated with the dogs.  You just love to pull their tale and watch them run.  You squeal with laughter when they come walking in the door and you love to lay on the dog bed.  You don't like to watch TV unlike Jonah and you prefer everything else to play with but your own toys.  You like to get into EVERYTHING!  Your current favorite is the dishwasher.  You could be on the other side of the house but as soon as you hear mommy open the dishwasher you come walking in (yes walking!) and are ready to start pulling out utensils.  And yes, you are walking!  About a week before you turned one, you started to walk.  I was very excited to watch this, but I have to admit, I am a bit sad to say goodbye to the weird monkey crawl you had.
You are an OK eater.  You love bread, so your favorites are grilled cheese and french toast.  You also love your bottles and pacifer all of which I am supposed to ween you off of at one year.  Please go easy on your mom.
You are an early riser.  Up everyday without fail at 5a.m.  I am getting used to it, but now with the time change, that 5a.m. darkness hurts just a little bit more.  You love it, you get about a whole hour or so of freedom.  You can play with any toy unscathed.  You can throw cars and knock over blocks without a screaming toddler at your back.  This is also why you love Preschool.  I know you can't tell me so, but those 3 hours where you get mommy all to yourself.  I swear your eyes twinkle a little bit.  You are as content as you can be with just mom, noone else- except maybe Charlie.
Happy Birthday sweet boy.  Mommy loves you so much.

We started your day with a hike around the San Elijo Lagoon.  You love to be outdoors, so we though a special walk for a special day was appropriate.
Your new bday present was a hit.  You can now cruise the cul-da-sac in style with the big kids.  The cup holders come in handy for those animal crackers you are so fond of.
Your favorite present by far is your new swing. 
You didn't "dig" into your cake like most one year olds do.  No pictures of you with cake smashed over your face.  You took a grab and then were done.  Even with sweets you are polite.

Your fishy cupcakes for the party.
Love you baby.  Thank you God for choosing me to be his mom.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Weekend fun.

We are blessed to live less than a mile from the historic and beautiful Highway 101.  This was the first time I've allowed Jonah to take his scooter and he loved it!

This cutie is going to be one on Saturday!  I can't even believe it.  Good thing Mommy bought him a swing for the yard for his birthday, because you can't get him out at the park!

I took Jonah to Boo by the Sea down at our local elementary school on Saturday.  That's his little head peeking over the sign.  He was playing a game.  He ate way too much candy and ran around all afternoon. 

Asher got an early bday gift.  He cruises the cul da sac now just like his big brother.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Apple Bliss.

Julian, California Apple Picking
Calico Ranch Orchard
We chose apples over pumpkins this weekend and made the hour long winding car ride to the relatively untouched California town of Julian.
Horses, cows and sheep were our only roadside companions.
Picturesque in it's nature, Julian is treasure hidden in the rocky mountains of San Diego County.
As with most hidden gem's and social media frenzy, the word gets out, and the crowds were as  abundant as the juicy apples we were picking.
I really wanted to take the boys apple picking this year as I have fond memories of doing the same as a child in Charlottesville, at Carter Mountain Orchard.
Jonah loved picking all the apples from the tree and throwing all the apples that lay on the ground.
Asher just loved shoveling whole apples into his mouth.
Once our bags were overflowing with yummy red fruit, we loaded up our wagon and headed home while I went over all the yummy recipes in my head where I could utilize this Fall treat.
(**side note - those delicious thoughts quickly dissipated as Jonah didn't enjoy the curvy ride home and got car sick - all over himself and my car).  No outing is perfect with two kids so I've come to accept.  I'll take it if it means making memories with my boys.  Puke and all.



Saturday, October 5, 2013


My favorite time of the year is here!  I love all things Fall; pumpkins, cool breezes and sweet candy corn.  So far, we've had amazing San Diego weather to accompany the season, although today the Santa Ana winds are here and it's a bit hot!
Jonah is loving preschool and eagerly runs toward his class when it's time to go.  He had show and tell last week and brought in his Mickey Mouse doll.  His teacher said, he talked and talked about Mickey.  I guess we don't have to worry about him being shy, although I never really did.  He stays for lunch bunch and has already made lots of new friends.  I really love his artwork he brings home and the songs he sings.  I hope he always loves going to school.  I am not naive though and realize that he probably won't be running to his class in middle school.  Oh well, until then I'll relish in the delight he gets out of it now - oh and the delight I get for some free Jonah time :) .
Ashe continues to thrive and is approaching his first birthday believe it or not!  I have been reflecting a lot on the time he was in the hospital for his staph infection and I thank God everyday, he is Ok.  He is turning into quite the fiesty little guy.  He's still not walking, but I don't think it will be too long before he does.  He is super active and into everything!  Jonah has been a lot more aggressive with him as Asher now guns for his toys, so most of my days are spent being the sharing police - not my favorite mommy duty.  They will be best friends one day right?
Today, I took them to a pumpkin station for a little Fall fun.  Here are a few pictures of my boys who are growing up so fast! 

Getting that pacifier out of Asher's mouth is going to be a daunting task!  He just loves that thing!