Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Four Months.

Baby Asher is 4 months old.

He is as healthy as a hog, weighing in at 15lbs 11oz and 26.13 long.

He is starting to eat rice cereal, although he doesn't seem to like it much.
He is not the best sleeper (nap or night), but he's the sweetest boy in the world!
He loves loves loves to be held, which basically means my house looks like a tornado came through it at all times.
He laughs at his brother.
He loves his pacificer.
He can roll over from tummy to back.
He loves to go for walks in the stroller.
Happy four months sweet boy!

Jonah at 4 months
15lbs 15oz and 26 long. Pretty much the exact same size as his little bro!

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