Saturday, January 12, 2013

a hidden gem.

We recently found this little canyon hike right next to our house.  Hard to believe we lived here a whole year before we discovered it, but nonetheless I am glad we did.  Its views are amazing.  The Pacific Ocean isn't a bad neighbor.

The whole gang can go.  Asher is getting better at being in the carrier and Jonah has proven himself to be quite the little hiker.  

I think once the boys get older, we will definitely be a hiking family.  And with San Diego having thousands of trails, we are in the right place.  I am a huge fan of hiking and it's one of the top things I have missed doing as a mom.  But I can see the potential in my boys to love the trails as much as me and can't wait to explore with them and instill a love of the outdoors in their souls.

“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity...” 
― John Muir

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