Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving thanks.

We had a lot to be grateful for this year.  My biggest being that Asher is healthy.  In the end, without our health we really don't have much.  I think we all take that for granted.  When one of your children is sick, it really puts things in perspective.  Piles of laundry, a dirty floor, unpaid bills, a temper tantrum, post-baby weight blues, yada yada.  None of it matters.  As long as you can tuck your babies in at night in their own bed with full bellies and healthy hearts - you are blessed. 

I heard recently this little quote and it really makes you think.  "If you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for today, what would you be left with?"  Something to think about when the day just isn't going your way.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Jonah, getting into the Thanksgiving spirit with a "perky turkey" from his Aunt Jessica.

We hosted again this year and were excited to have Brody's mom in town, Brody's Aunt Tuki and Uncle Ron drove down from Manhattan Beach as well as his cousin Curt and his girlfriend and their new baby girl Harlow who was born just two weeks before Asher.  Brody's other cousin Ben and his girlfriend were with us too.  A full house!  Here is Asher and Harlow the newest additions to the family.

The gang chatting after dinner.

Jonah not eating his dinner.  Apparently he's not my kid because I would eat Thanksgiving food everyday if you let me.

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