Thursday, March 22, 2012

spring has sprung - sort of.

Spring has arrived.  Well, I guess that's up for vote.  If you ask you east coasters, it's more like summer.  Here in So Cal, Spring has been flirting, but I don't think it has quite settled.  We have had some chilly days in the mid 50s and some more milder weather in the mid 60s.  I am ready for the mid 70s.  Regardless if there is a chill in the air or not, my son is outside. 

He loves playing outside.  Mainly he likes coloring with sidewalk chalk, riding his car and playing with the neighbor girls across the street.  We had a rainy weekend this past week and it was torture for both of us.  I didn't know what to do with him!!  He doesn't do well cooped up inside.  Arts and Crafts really aren't his fortay.  He gets bored with movies.  He stares out the window.  Luckily the sun has been out the last couple of days and I was ready to sit in my lawn chair and bask in the sun while Jonah ran circles around me.

Playing t-ball. He's actually pretty good, when he holds the bat correctly...

He finally is starting to wear his helmet!!!  Usually for about 5 minutes before he takes it off.

Jonah's besties, the neighbor girls.

Jonah and the Whale.

Taking the pups for a walk.

And finally, his new favorite snack....seaweed.  WHAT?

Happy Spring!

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