Tuesday, November 15, 2011


We made it to San Diego!  It was a rough trip, but we are here.  We got to spend a few days with the Agnews before we headed to CA which was a lot of fun.  Well, the first two days were fun, then Jonah and I got the stomach flu - which was anything but fun!  We also had bad news with Brody's van which broke down in Tennessee and needed a new engine.  Not a cheap fix.  In fact, the van is still in TN awaiting a shipment to Ohio where it will get a new engine.  Brody will have to fly to Ohio to then drive cross country again.  Yes, it's been fun.

Jonah is still having some stomach issues and doesn't seem to be tolerating dairy, so we are dealing with long nights as he has been throwing up each night still.  I am working on finding a pediatrician, but for now, I have decided to boycott milk until his stomach is strong enough to handle.  He seems to do fine with it during the day, just not at night - it's really strange.

Despite car troubles, stomach troubles and everything in between we are settled into our new home in CA.  The house is great, the neighborhood even better.  It is actually really good to be back.  I forgot how much I missed San Diego!  I promise to post some pictures of the new house soon, but for now, here are some cute pictures of Jonah with the Agnew girls!

Jonah and Lilly were fast friends.

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