Monday, October 24, 2011


Well I am happy to report I survived a weekend without Jonah!  It was actually easier than I thought'd it be....well after the first few hours.  I cried my way through security and a little bit on the flight.  I arrived Friday evening into JFK with puffy eyes and a runny nose, but was determined to not think about it and have fun!  I did have a great weekend celebrating Meghan's birthday.   We shopped, ate amazing food, danced and laughed - a lot!  All in all a great re-charge of my Mommy batteries.

Brody had a great time with Jonah too.  He was really good about sending me pictures and video texts that it helped with my anxiety a lot.  Even though when I got home, Jonah's hair was a mess, the house looked like a tornado hit it, Jonah's pants were on backwards and he borderline had a black eye....they seemed to have fun!  He took him for bike rides, for smoothies, walks and even to the beach!  He had so much fun that when they picked me up at my gate in the airport, he didn't even seem to care I was home!  I have to say though, he has been Mr. clingy today!

I don't have pictures of NYC, but I will get some from Meghan soon and post a few of my trip! 

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