Sunday, July 3, 2011

trying to keep up

16 Things I Love About Jonah
in honor of his 16 months.

1. His favorite book is the Pout Pout Fish.  I read it at least 3 times a day.

2.  His favorite thing to say these days is "mommy" and I can't hear it enough.

3.  He loves the mall, especially the children's play area

4.  He is the sweetest boy and gives kisses to everything - even plastic skunks.

5.  His favorite food is chips and salsa (just like mommy!)

6.  He will sit quietly in his stroller while we walk to the dogs every morning.

7.  When I tell him it is time for night night, he runs and hides.

8.  He's too cool.

9.  He is good at selling paddle boards.

10.  His favorite snack is popcorn.

11.  He makes a vroom vroom sound when he plays with his matchbox cars.

11.  He helps mommy unload the dishwasher.

12.  He looks really cute in his new crocs!

13.  He will get in any pool of water anytime, he loves to get wet!

14.  His hair is growing and you can fix mohawks!
15.  He recycles.

16.  He likes to wrestle.

17.  He always smells like suntan lotion and cinnamon applesauce.

18.  He gives really good hugs.

19.  He can say (kind of) : baby, shoes, mommy, daddy, doggy, kitty, car, ball, juice, bye bye, Jessie, Brody, mimi, book and chips.

oh I was supposed to stop at 16.....sorry there is just too much to love!

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