Monday, May 23, 2011

jonah's new best friend - mimi.

My mom, dad and brother came to visit and help me with Jonah while our business put on our big paddle board race.
They were here for a whole week and I managed to get like 5 pictures (sorry!)

Jonah LOVES his mimi.  He was so good for her while I was at the race.  No tantrums, no fussing, just a smiley happy boy!

She cried when she left.  He cried when she left.

Jonah got to even share in one of mimi's hobbies by attending his first Bonnie Raitt concert!

That's all I got folks.  I will try to be better with the camera!!  I am slacking on blog posts too :(  For those that read it, sorry!  I never know if anyone does or not, so sometimes when I feel lazy and don't want to post I wonder, does anyone miss them?

1 comment:

  1. I read :) and I can't believe how big Jonah is getting!
