Tuesday, April 5, 2011

surf & turf

St. Pete Beach - lots of sunshine!

Played with his new sand toys for about 5 seconds, he was much more interested in running down to the water.

He refused to wear a hat for longer than 5 minutes, so I lathered his white head up with lots of sunscreen - hence the crazy white hair.

Lowry Park Zoo

Jonah belonged at the zoo with this crazy hair.

We got to feed the giraffe - very cool!

I asked Jonah to kiss the turtle and he did!  Smacked his lips right on the glass!

We've had a fun couple of days with Brody's parents!  They leave on Thursday along with Brody who is going to Costa Rica for 10 days.  All will be quiet in the Welte house soon - I have enjoyed the noise.

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