Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The Welte's have moved into a new rental!  We are finally settled in and loving it!  Our new house has an extra bedroom and bathroom, a bigger backyard, a DISHWASHER, larger kitchen, fireplace....just to name a few upgrades :)  Needless to say, we are much happier in the new house - all five of us.

Brody's parents arrive tomorrow evening for a week long visit so we are excited to see them.  Jonah hasn't seen them since he was 5 weeks old or so, so it will be a nice treat for them to spend some time with him.  He's at such a fun age too, really starting to get a personality.

Other news going on is that my Grandpa Fahey has had some health issues which are pretty serious, so we have been doing a lot of praying for his recovery.  I have always pegged myself his favorite Granddaugher (sorry Jody and Nicole) but it's true :).  He is a strong Irish man and I know he'll pull out of this with flying colors, he always does.  I mean he survived being a spy, working for the CIA, wars, etc., I could go on, the man's life is incredible.  But we love you Grandpa and are praying for your health!

Here are a few pictures I took today of Jonah playing in his new backyard!  I was babysitting my friend Tracy's kids too, so there may be a few of the Graham boys!

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