Sunday, May 23, 2010

famous surfers. crazy paddlers. beautiful baby.

The title pretty much sums up the last week for me. I have been hard to contact, so I am sorry if I have ignored your calls - you can see why below.

We had the honor of putting together Kalama Kamp Florida, which featured famous Hawaiian Waterman Dave Kalama. You can read about him and check out his blog here - If you know anything about surfing - you'd know Dave and it's pretty exciting that we got to spend the week with him and he is/was associated with our business.

Dave is a very humble guy - you'd never know how famous he is in the eyes of the surfing world.

We had 9 campers who came from all over - Cape Cod, Boston, New Hampshire, Panama and San Diego.

We lucked out with weather - it was hot, but no rain!

Dave's grandfather is responsible for bringing Outrigger Canoes to the mainland.

Not only were we putting on the Kalama Kamp which was a 4 day adventure experience where campers spend their days training with Dave and learning his routine, lifestyle habits and training regimen, but we were planning and hosting the Gulf Coast Stand Up Paddle Board Championship. This race was the largest paddle board race on the East Coast - a HUGE deal for our business. We had paddlers from all over the country travel to our shop for the race. It was really awesome, a lot of hard work, but so worth it!

We had over 100 paddlers come out, a really big turnout for such a new sport.

Slater Trout, a 15 year old from Maui, took home 1st place. This kid is going to be really big in the surf/paddle industry.

Brody had a Hawaiian group come bless the race and do all the pre and post race ceremonies - I think the Floridians got a kick out it! Here he is with his lei annoucing the race festivities.

My mom was here for the week to play nanny and she earned her Grammy duties as she watched Jonah from about 7am - 10pm EVERY DAY!!! We had his 3 month pictures taken today and we were both surprised at how well they turned out. As most of you have noticed, Jonah isn't the best picture taker (bug eyes and all).

So, it has been a very exciting and exhausting week for Stand Up Fitness (and Grandma)and I am ready for about a week long slumber.

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