Tuesday, March 9, 2010

6 days and counting....

Jonah is a week old tomorrow! Hard to believe, but he is doing great. We are having issues getting the hang of this breastfeeding thing, but I am optimistic we can work it out. He is just a lazy lazy boy that would much rather have a bottle - instant gratification! Other than the frustration I have at feeding time, he is really a good baby. He sleeps in about 3 hour spells at night and doesn't have too much trouble getting back to sleep once he's up.

I took him out today for some fresh air and he sleep the whole time in his baby bijorn. My mom has been a lifesaver as she does ALL the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. Without her I think I'd be over the edge about now. Brody has been working most days and with the season turning he will be MIA for most of the week. I have to be OK with this we don't have "regular" jobs now. Small business owners get no break - baby or not!

Jonah had a doctor's appointment yesterday and is already back to his birth weight. He is now 22 inches long and the pedetrician said he looked perfect!

Here are some more pictures of our little guy!

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