Friday, March 26, 2010

3 weeks - so crazy!!!

Jonah and I have had a busy week! We went to our first Mommy and Me class at the hospital - it's a chance for moms to get together and ask all the questions you have! Jonah slept the whole time in his stroller and then when he finally woke up, everyone couldn't believe how big he was! He was bigger than a lot of the older babies there.

My dad got to come down for a few days and visit and Jonah was very excited to meet his Grampy!

I've been trying to get out of the house and walk with Jonah - he really likes the fresh air. When he cries now at home, I'll just walk with him outside and once the sun hits his face, he's happy!

Here are some pics of our week!

Monday, March 22, 2010

my sweet boy

who loves his new swing.
has a milk allergy.
already weighs 9lbs 12oz.
falls asleep when the car is moving, but abruptly wakes up at any stops.
must sleep on his mom every night.
is wide awake from midnight - 2a.m. every night.
likes to be rocked.
doesn't like to be changed.
enjoys his pacifiers.
really enjoys his bottles.

so in love!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

2 weeks old!

Hard to believe Jonah will be 2 weeks old! We had a doctor's appointment yesterday and Jonah is 9lbs 2oz, 22 1/2 inches long...getting bigger by the day. We had to say goodbye to Grammy today and I think both Jonah and I cried. She was so great and we miss her already. Luckily she's coming again in May and Jonah can't wait!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

To Bottle feed or not to bottle feed.....

Well we've had a somewhat stressful week here at la casa Welte. Jonah is still not taking to breast feeding. I have met with lactation consultant on numerous occasions and although he seems to do OK when we are there, the second we get home he rebels and screams bloody murder when it's time to try. I know that in time, I am sure it will click and he will magically "get it" and be a breast feeding champ. Whether or not Mommy can hang in there until that day comes is the big question. With my mom leaving and Brody working 24/7, I just don't know if I can emotionally/physically get there. Feeding time has become a dreaded activity for me with lots of tears (both his and mine). I want to enjoy all my time with Jonah and right now I am not, as I get so stressed out about feeding him and I know he can sense that too. We will most likely keep pumping to give him the good stuff, but move toward formula as anyone who has been an exclusive pumper knows - it can't last long!

Anyway, on a happy note - Jonah is a GREAT baby otherwise. He is very seldom fussy and seems to be content most of the time. He has his nights and days mixed up still as he is pretty much asleep most the day and WIDE awake around 2a.m.!!

Here are some more pictures I have taken lately. We have discovered however that Jonah isn't always the most photogenic baby - he makes lots of weird faces and has his crazy wide eyes in lots of pictures so he can look kinda funny. He also has some not so cute baby acne that has popped up over the last few days - but you can't help but squeeze him to death cause he's just so darn cute and cuddly!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My frustration....

This is why breast feeding has become a chore for me.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

6 days and counting....

Jonah is a week old tomorrow! Hard to believe, but he is doing great. We are having issues getting the hang of this breastfeeding thing, but I am optimistic we can work it out. He is just a lazy lazy boy that would much rather have a bottle - instant gratification! Other than the frustration I have at feeding time, he is really a good baby. He sleeps in about 3 hour spells at night and doesn't have too much trouble getting back to sleep once he's up.

I took him out today for some fresh air and he sleep the whole time in his baby bijorn. My mom has been a lifesaver as she does ALL the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. Without her I think I'd be over the edge about now. Brody has been working most days and with the season turning he will be MIA for most of the week. I have to be OK with this we don't have "regular" jobs now. Small business owners get no break - baby or not!

Jonah had a doctor's appointment yesterday and is already back to his birth weight. He is now 22 inches long and the pedetrician said he looked perfect!

Here are some more pictures of our little guy!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jonah Pics!!!

Here are some more pictures of sweet Jonah! Jonah got in touch with his feminine side already as you can see in his pink chair (the joy of not finding out what you are having, lots of boy/girl hand me downs!)

We are all doing great and are enjoying him so much. He is a really good baby and sooooo sweet!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Jonah Alexander Welte

Baby Welte is a boy! And yes, he was a big boy!

I gave birth yesterday to a beautiful health boy. The labor process was not a pleasant one (not that any really are) but Jonah was large for me and I had a very hard time pushing him out - 3 1/2 hours - to be exact. I diatated fast and everyone involved thought that he was going to just pop right out, but he got stuck in the birth canal and it took a lot longer to get him out. They actually tried a vacuum suction which didn't work, but left the poor guy with a not so nice bruise on his head!

I managed OK, it definetly was the hardest thing I have EVER done. I lost a lot of blood and they are actually thinking about giving me a blood transfusion today if my count doesn't increase.

Other than that, we are doing great. Jonah is so cute with lots of blonde hair. He was 8lbs 8 oz and 21 1/4 long. He loves to be held, especially by his dad. Brody is a natural with him and has probably held him more than me! We are still at the hospital and depending on how I am doing we'll most likely go home on Friday.