Tuesday, February 16, 2010

37 weeks & pregnant with a LARGE baby

Had my 37 week appointment today. They gave me an ultrasound to check on the grow of our little one. Little one...it was not....they gave me an estimated weight of 8lbs 6oz, a full 2 pounds ahead of what it should be at this stage.

They didn't seem too concerned, said my fluids were good and that I just had a big baby. They won't even consider inducement until at least 39 weeks because at this point in the pregnancy the lungs may or may not be ready for life on the outside and they won't risk taking the baby out until it's ready! They also said that the measurements can be off by a pound either way so it's not a guarantee. My doctor and Brody were joking that the baby will be able to drive itself home....hahaha, funny for them, but they aren't the ones that have to push it out!!!! I am hoping that it doesn't get too big and I can do it w/o having to have a c-section, but we'll do what we have to do I guess.

We'll keep you all in the loop! I am secretly hoping that he/she will decide to come out next week on it's own (as long as it's healthy).

1 comment:

  1. Awww, you look so cute, but I am sure you are ready for your baby. Bobb was an almost 11 pound baby...poor Debbie! Just be glad you aren't having one of those! :)
