Wednesday, January 27, 2010

34 weeks....and COUNTING!

34 weeks today! Although I feel more like I am 44 weeks. I am starting to not only feel pregnant but not enjoy being pregnant!! I am having a hard time at night sleeping - I guess I'll just be good to go when the baby comes because I am up about every 2 hours to go to the bathroom, or to turn over (very slowly), or to move one of my dumb 60lb dogs off me!!!

I know I have 6 more weeks to go, but I honestly don't think it is going to be that long. I have always thought I was a week or two further along than what was first recorded and add in the fact that at 29 weeks, the baby was measuring at 31 - I am thinking that Baby Welte won't make it til March. As long as it is healthy and everything is OK - then I wouldn't mind that either!!!

I go back to the doctor on February 1st and then the weekly appointments start so I guess I'll know more about what's to come after those appointments. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated!!

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