Monday, December 14, 2009

Baby Shower

I am home from Maryland!! I had a wonderful trip up North this past weekend - wonderful but COLD! I am a total whimp now with anything below 60 degrees and it was a toasty 22 degrees when I arrived on Thursday!

It was so great to see everyone - friends and family! Thanks to Uncle Jim and Aunt Barb for hosting us! I got a lot of great things for Baby Welte!!! Opening up baby gifts defintely is making this whole experience more real.....I had a few moments where I was like "wait, these are for me, for my baby, I am having a baby???...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

I was able to catch up with some friends I hadn't seen since high school which was a lot of fun and got to spend some QT with all my JMU girls! It was so nice to be surrounded by everyone I love and the time flew by as I was sitting in BWI airport way too soon.

Opening Presents!!!

Me with my Grandmas (soon to be Great-Grandmas!)

Got to see Kendall and Angie from high school - it's been almost 10 years!!
My JMU girls!
My big belly at 27 1/2 weeks!

I now have to prepare for the Fahey Family Christmas as my parents are heading down to FL next week for a warm holiday! Mom and I are really excited to decorate the nursery!! Then I think it will really feel like a baby is on the way!

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