Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weekend at the Weltes

This weekend marked the end of Jonah's soccer career (I mean season).
But in reality, I don't know if at the age of 3, soccer is much his sport.
He was way more excited about tickling his teammates and tackling them to the ground then kicking the ball.  Maybe football is more his speed? 
Whatever he wants to play, I'll be supportive, glady showing up for each game, cheering him on down the sidelines.
Embarrassing him with my sport themed cupcakes.
If Dad had his way, he'd be a professional Paddleboarder.
He cut a paddle just the right size for his three year old frame.
Loaded up his old surfboard and headed down to the reef to give it a try.

He didn't want to paddle, just wanted to play in the waves.
Oh well, we'll find his sport yet.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

End of summer.

While the temperatures may disagree with me, it feels right to say summer is over in CA.
Jonah has started preschool,
the Halloween candy (and Christmas decor) is stocked in all the stores,
my pumpkin scented candle burns in the kitchen,
and the feeling of summer adventures has faded as we get into our daily routines.
Here are some photos of our last days of summer.

Jonah's first day of preschool - so excited.