Thursday, June 27, 2013

Swim Lessons

Swim Lessons have proven to be a huge hit! Jonah practically runs to the car when I tell him it's time for his lesson.  He is so well behaved too. He listens to the teacher and does everything she asks. He is the only kid in his class who hasn't cried yet.
I have signed him up for 2 more weeks of lessons.
I told him swimming is a nice safe sport that I will gladly allow him to participate in.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Picture of Summer.

Summer is officially here in San Diego.
We have enjoyed hanging out at home and laying low.  My mom just finished a visit and we had a really nice time spending our days with Mimi.  It's always so nice when my mom can spend time with her grandkids and because it's not too often, I think it's extra special.
Here are a few pics.  Most are of Ash as I just can't seem to get Jonah to stand still long enough to snap his picture.
Almost 8 months old. He crawling now, but only with his hands, he just kind of scoots his butt around. He still move pretty fast though!
The man of many moods.  It's a constant guessing game of who you will get these days.  Happy Jonah, Sweet Jonah, Funny Jonah, Silly Jonah, Frustrated Jonah, Tired Jonah, Mad Jonah, Jealous Jonah....the list goes on.  Life is hard when you are 3.

My walking buddies every morning.  We are quite the wide load, but everyone enjoys our morning walks around the neighborhood.

Maybe Jonah will be a photographer?  He took this great picture of Asher!

Lots of days at the park lately.  Jonah loves to play and Asher loves to eat grass :/. 

Wagon rides down the street - our new favorite pasttime.

Asher plays peek-a-boo with himself and the curtains.

Mimi's bday cake.  100% Gluten Free and 100% delicious!

Happy Bday Mimi!  It was a great visit!

Monday, June 3, 2013

summer pool fun.

Summer in San Diego isn't like the hot and humid oppression of the South. I can remember as a child Summer was welcomed by the thick humid air and pesky mosquitoes.  Not taking a dip in the pool wasn't an option as you just had to cool off.
San Diego summer is marked by 70 degree weather and no parking at the beach.  It makes taking a dip in the pool a bit more of a dare than a necessity.  Nonetheless I have a three year old son who loves the water. So, whether this Southern girl likes it or not, 70 degrees means it's summer and that means I am required to get in the pool. 

It was Asher's first time and it looks like I have another fish on my hands.
Better get used to cold pool.