Thursday, January 31, 2013

a little safari.

Today I took the boys to the San Diego Safari Park.
The weather was ideal. 70 degrees and sunny - practically a sin to not spend the day outdoors.

Jonah and his friend Oliver at the meercats.

My running man (in his new running shoes).

The lions were so pretty!  They were out enjoying the sun too.  Jonah said "look Mom, Lion King!"

On the tram taking our "African Safari".
Jonah's favorite thing - feeding the Lorikeets.  They were hungry.......


I had to make this picture extra large, because seriously - how cute is he?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Birthday at Disney

I decided that I was going to celebrate my birthday this year like I was only ten, not the big 3-0!
We also wanted to take Jonah to CarsLand before he turned 3 and cost a ticket!  So, we combined the 30 year birthday milestone with the I am going to take full advantage of having a two year old, not three year old and go to Disney.
The day started out a little rough as Jonah decided he wasn't a fan of his apple juice, or Dad's driving, or maybe the vitamin on an empty stomach and proceeding to throw up all over himself and my car.  This is actually the second year in a row he's vomited on my birthday.  Hmmm.
After a pull off on the freeway, a change of clothes and some major wipe downs, we were off to have the "magical" day Disney promises.
I was BEYOND excited for Jonah to see CarsLand.  He is obsessed with anything Lightening McQueen so I couldn't wait to show him Disney's interpretation of Radiator Springs.  It took him a little while to warm up and I am not quite sure he actually got it, but it was very very cool.
Disney really out did themselves with this attraction.  It looks exactly like the movie.  It had some fun rides for younger kids and older kids.  One of my favorite rides actually was the cars ride that took  you through Radiator Springs and raced other people. Jonah was too short to go on it, but Brody and I enjoyed it!

The characters were all out and the lines to say hi weren't too bad.  Jonah however decided to be shy -something he is definetly not.

Jonah meeting Mator.  Very cool for a mom whose son loves his cars.  It was like Jonah was meeting his idol, haha.

Radiator Springs.

Jonah wasn't as shy meeting Mickey.  He had a big smile the whole time.  Mickey really liked Asher too.

Walking through Mickey's house.

Radiator Springs at night.  The whole town turned on their lights and it was so cool.

Little train ride in A Bug's Life.

This little guy was mommy's champ all day!  He was SO good. 

Jonah's best friend, Lightening McQueen.

Ice Cream - Chocolate of course!

Jonah and Brody on Finding Nemo ride.  Jonah liked this one too, although when it got dark, he kept yelling "I can't see!!!".
Bumpy start but a fun day. Here's to my next thirty years!
Thanks for all the bday love.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Yep, it's January.

Loving San Diego.

Jonah in Solana Beach on an amazing 75 degree January day!

Mom forgot Asher's hat!!  He's not as big of a fan of the sunshine as we are. (at least yet!)

Reason #10000 why I love CA!

I will be 3 months old next Friday!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

a hidden gem.

We recently found this little canyon hike right next to our house.  Hard to believe we lived here a whole year before we discovered it, but nonetheless I am glad we did.  Its views are amazing.  The Pacific Ocean isn't a bad neighbor.

The whole gang can go.  Asher is getting better at being in the carrier and Jonah has proven himself to be quite the little hiker.  

I think once the boys get older, we will definitely be a hiking family.  And with San Diego having thousands of trails, we are in the right place.  I am a huge fan of hiking and it's one of the top things I have missed doing as a mom.  But I can see the potential in my boys to love the trails as much as me and can't wait to explore with them and instill a love of the outdoors in their souls.

“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity...” 
― John Muir

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My loves.

Jonah is almost 3 now!  He is still so active and is very much a boy.  Loves anything with wheels - cars, trucks, trains. 

He loves to play with his "basketball Hoot" outside.  He loves taking the dogs for walks, especially walking "char char" (his name for Charlie).  He still avoids naps and sometimes I can get him to snooze in the stroller or car, although it's rare.  He loves other kids and I am excited for him to start preschool and make lots of friends.  He is very bossy and has to be reminded daily that he is in fact NOT the boss.  

Sweet Asher is almost 3 months old.  He, like his brother, doesn't like to nap!  He only takes a few cat naps a day.  Most of the time he is a happy boy, loves to lay in his crib and look at his mobile or his play mat.

He is starting to laugh, which is just the best sound in the whole world.  He smiles all the time, especially at his brother.  He likes to go for walks and is sleeping 4 hour stretches at night now!

Jonah is still a picky eater, but when the mood hits him, he'll chow down on pasta, cucumber and ranch (his favorite), popcorn, pistachios, grapes, apples, cheez-its and of course anything chocolate!

Asher prefers his formula!  I am excited to try food with him in a few months as I think he's going to like it.   He is already fitting in some 6 month clothes so I think this tank will be a good eater!

My first baby Charlie is already 7!!!  He is starting to show signs of age with his gray face :(  Charlie is 100% food motivated and will chow down on anything he can find.  He loves to go for walks and chew on bones.

Dakine is still as crazy as ever.  He loves to run and his favorite thing is to go to the park with a ball.  He enjoys stealing other dogs balls more than playing with his own.

My four boys keep this mom very busy (and tired!), but I wouldn't have it any other way.