Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fall fun.

We took Jonah to Bates Nut Farm today about 45 minutes east of San Diego.  It was a beautiful day and Jonah had a really good time.  He went on his first pony ride, fed lots of goats and walked through some pretty large pumpkins!

Waiting for the Pony Rides.

We've tried pony rides before unsuccessfully, so I was pleased when he rode all by himself happily.

Well, until the end, then he wanted down.

The goats were another story.  He couldn't get enough.  We spent a lot of time and money on goat food.

He was tall enough for the little girl cut-out.

Even the furry children were allowed on the farm.  They were on sensory overload with all the animal smells, but I think they enjoyed themselves too.
Probably our last family outing before the new guy arrives!  I am almost 38 weeks and hanging in there.  I won't be upset if he decides to come early. 
Happy Fall from San Diego!