Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer Days.

Brody has been traveling some this summer and Jonah and I are finding ways to fill our days.  I am starting to slow down as I enter my 30th week of this pregnancy and can't quite keep up with the pace I was going. 

One of our favorite activities these days is swimming.  Jonah has a new floaty that helps him swim all by himself!  I am right there, but he doesn't need me to hold him and it's great.  He LOVES to swim and I have to practically drag him out of the pool when it's time to go.  I love it too as there is nothing better than feeling weightless in the water when you feel like a cow on land!

We hit up the playground a lot and visit with friends as much as possible.  Yesterday, I took Jonah to the Del Mar Race Track and he took his chances with his first horse race.  I let Jonah pick the horses he wanted.  We didn't win, but Jonah's face when the horses ran by was worth it!  He was completely in awe, jaw dropped and cheering.  I guess the Walsh horse fever is in his blood too.

Brody gets back from his trip on Sunday and Jonah will be very excited.  He pretend calls Brody all the time and politely asks him to come home.  It's really cute and heartbreaking at the same time.

Here are only a few pictures I have managed to get over the last few weeks - all on my phone, so sorry the quality isn't the best.

Jonah getting a haircut.  He sat there like a good boy the whole time!!  I was shocked and as you can tell by his face, he was terrified!

You can actually see his sweet face!  This is what he did when I told him to smile.

Mowing the grass.  A summer chore noone likes but Jonah.

Swimming all by himself! 

Mommy and Jonah at our friends pool.  It had a water slide!!!  That was the best for Jonah, it combined his two favorite things....pool and slides.

Jonah loves snakes.  YUCK!  His favorite thing to do is go to the "blue store" or Petco and look at the fish, guinea pigs, birds and snakes.  It's a cheap zoo/aquarium.  He gave this slithering guy a kiss through the glass......sorry Jonah you will NEVER have a pet snake. 

The only shot I got of Jonah yesterday at the track.  He enjoyed walking up and down the stadium stairs more that the horses I think.  His pick for to win #5 Country Soul. 

Jonah and I have also been busy this summer growing vegetables!  Our cucumber plant is the most rewarding and it gives us lots of these big fat cucumbers!  I want to make pickles with them but don't have the energy!  Good thing Jonah likes cucmbers and ranch.  We also have been lucky with our tomatoes, these are our the new grape ones.  They are really juicy!  Perfect for summer pasta salads.