Monday, February 20, 2012

good morning.

We don't always wake up bright eyed.

It usually takes a dose of chocolate milk, mickey mouse and a new diaper before we are presentable.

A quick brush of the hair doesn't hurt either.

After we have woken up, a walk down to get an Acai bowl with granola, blueberries and strawberries are just what we need to start the day right.

Happy Monday!

Friday, February 10, 2012


I took Jonah to SeaWorld today.  My mom bought us passes for Jonah's upcoming 2nd bday so we loaded up today and had a really fun afternoon!

I unfortunately didn't get many pictures, but here are the few that I took of our day.  Grandma Walsh told me that I hadn't posted anything on the blog in while so I thought this would be better than nothing!  Here you go Grandma!!

The Sea Lions are always my favorite.

Jonah seemed to like them too!

Tuckered out already!  He napped for about 45 minutes and then was ready to go again!

Shamu Show.  Jonah was not impressed.  He just kept yelling - walk, walk.  Good thing the shows don't last too long.  He did seem to watch when they jumped out of the water, but once they were gone...he wanted down!

Another favorite of the day - the Walrus.  Spitting out fish...pretty gross.

Sea Lion and Otter Show.  This was the very end of the day and Jonah must have gotten his second wind, because he was jumping and dancing the whole time!

Notice "queen".  Lightning McQueen from Cars comes with us most places these days.

Glad we have a year pass and can enjoy SeaWorld whenever we want!  Thanks Mimi!!!