Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

jonah and the whale (well fish).

Mom & Jonah's day out - Florida Aquarium!
Look Mommy Fishes!!!  He was very interested in all the fishes

So cute!  He loved the kids just as much as the fish I think....

Didn't seem to mind that there was a huge shark behind him!!

Jonah laughed at this guy, it was really funny.

Oh the penguin!  Jonah almost got us thrown out of the aquarium as he tried to climb into the tank!!!  He screamed when I took him away.  Needless to say we went home with a stuffed penguin from the gift shop!

Monday, April 11, 2011

my little fish.

This child couldn't get ENOUGH of the pool.  He practically dove in.  He is actually a little too comfortable in the water for my liking.  Looks like swimming lessons will be in our near future!

Friday, April 8, 2011

working mom.

Today I - was awoken at 5:45a.m. by a short little blonde dude. ventured out at 7:00a.m. to get food and beverages for a paddle eco tour. prepped for the paddle tour. returned a load of emails. answered a load of calls. coordinated employee's schedules. sold 3 boards. loaded the shop with more paddle accessories. put in orders for new boards and paddles. cleaned up after the paddle tour. packed cooler for tomorrow's lessons and rentals.

oh and took care of my extremely high maintenance child and extremely high energy dogs. I am spent!

He makes it all worth it!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

surf & turf

St. Pete Beach - lots of sunshine!

Played with his new sand toys for about 5 seconds, he was much more interested in running down to the water.

He refused to wear a hat for longer than 5 minutes, so I lathered his white head up with lots of sunscreen - hence the crazy white hair.

Lowry Park Zoo

Jonah belonged at the zoo with this crazy hair.

We got to feed the giraffe - very cool!

I asked Jonah to kiss the turtle and he did!  Smacked his lips right on the glass!

We've had a fun couple of days with Brody's parents!  They leave on Thursday along with Brody who is going to Costa Rica for 10 days.  All will be quiet in the Welte house soon - I have enjoyed the noise.