Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The Welte's have moved into a new rental!  We are finally settled in and loving it!  Our new house has an extra bedroom and bathroom, a bigger backyard, a DISHWASHER, larger kitchen, fireplace....just to name a few upgrades :)  Needless to say, we are much happier in the new house - all five of us.

Brody's parents arrive tomorrow evening for a week long visit so we are excited to see them.  Jonah hasn't seen them since he was 5 weeks old or so, so it will be a nice treat for them to spend some time with him.  He's at such a fun age too, really starting to get a personality.

Other news going on is that my Grandpa Fahey has had some health issues which are pretty serious, so we have been doing a lot of praying for his recovery.  I have always pegged myself his favorite Granddaugher (sorry Jody and Nicole) but it's true :).  He is a strong Irish man and I know he'll pull out of this with flying colors, he always does.  I mean he survived being a spy, working for the CIA, wars, etc., I could go on, the man's life is incredible.  But we love you Grandpa and are praying for your health!

Here are a few pictures I took today of Jonah playing in his new backyard!  I was babysitting my friend Tracy's kids too, so there may be a few of the Graham boys!

Friday, March 18, 2011

love him.

new kicks for spring/summer

Jonah's getting some new shoes for the new season.  Should be just the right pair for trips to the dog park, zoo, beach, museum and park!

Thanks Mimi!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

love the outdoors.

Jonah is quite the outdoorsman.  He would spend all day outside if I let him.  I try to tell him to enjoy it now because in about 2 months it will be H-O-T and not so fun to be in the Florida sun anymore.

Until then, we'll soak it up.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jonah's 1!

We have had a great few days celebrating Jonah's first birthday.  On his actual birthday, Jonah and I spent the day doing things he liked, mainly played outside.  We had friends over for pizza and cake and Jonah didn't seemed too thrilled on either.  He just kind of picked the sprinkles off the cake and delicately ate them.  No face smashing, no mess, not really what I was expecting, but cute all the same.

My college besties Meghan and Tina came for his party which we had on Saturday.  We "Mickey Moused" the house, made lots of yummy food and had a really fun time.  Most of the party was spent outside, it was a beautiful day and Jonah as you know loves to be outside so he was really good all day. 

The second cake experience was a little bit different.  He got messy.  He smashed the icing.  He stuffed his face.  It was the first birthday cake memory I was envisioning.

Here are some snapshots from Jonah's actual birthday and then birthday party!!! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

happy happy birthday!

Today is Jonah's 1st birthday!!!!  I am not going to lie, I cried last night.  My baby is no longer a baby and I can cry if I want to!

Happy Birthday Jonah, Mommy loves you so much - even though one year ago today you tortured me BIG time :)

Born at 12:26p.m. weighing 8lbs 8oz, 21 1/4 inches long!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011