Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

vacation over.

Jonah and I leave tomorrow. We have had such a fun time at the beach and then at Grammy and Grampy's house hanging out with Jody and her girls. Although both Jonah and I got sick we really loved spending time with family. Luckily we only have a 2 hour flight tomorrow, I don't know if I could handle more with my fussy, runny nose, coughing, GRUMPY boy (wish us luck).

We'll miss everyone so much and I will especially miss my Lilly girl!

Next week Jonah gets to meet his Aunties Meghan and Tina. Time to go home and get ready!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

rub a dub dub

Taking a bath is much more fun if you have a buddy

Monday, July 19, 2010

life is sweet

and so are cousins....

Friday, July 16, 2010

sugar and spice

and everything nice....

I get to see these two lovely girls tomorrow!!!!

making memories

We had a great time at the beach and I am happy to report we made it back home to Grammy and Grampy's in one piece and with lots of sand stuffed in every crease and roll on Jonah's plump figure :)

We had a lot of "firsts" on the trip. Jonah ate his first food - sweet potatoes. He put his feet in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time (wasn't a huge fan). Met his Uncle Jef (he loves loves loves Jef). Visited his Grandparent's house. Slept through the night (just once). Road on a ferry boat. Tasted watermelon (he may love watermelon more than Uncle Jef). It was a lot of fun.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello from Hatteras

We're having a great time....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

way down upon.

Brody is paddling down the Swanee River this week on an adventure trip that will be featured in the Saint Pete Times.

All I can do is sing the song....

way down upon the swanee river
far, far away
there's where my heart is turning ever
there's where the old folks stay

all the world is sad and dreary everywhere I roam
oh darling how my heart grows weary
far from the old folks at home

safe travels....

celebrate we will.

Jonah had a rainy 4th of July as St. Pete experienced about 5 days of pouring rain. We stayed indoors, played with our toys and read lots of books.

We had an "indoor" BBQ at my friend Chris' house and then came home to bed before any fireworks went off. Pretty uneventful, but still OK with me!

Jonah also had his 4 month appointment yesterday. He is 15lbs 14oz, yes that is 2oz shy of 16LBS!!!!!! He's 25 1/2 inches long and healthy as a hog! He's starting to teeth and is quite cranky these days. The doctor told me I can start solid foods if I want so I think when we get to the beach we'll give it a go!

Friday, July 2, 2010

mmm food.

I tried giving Jonah rice cereal yesterday. He was so cute. He did pretty good actually, he opened his mouth and seemed to swallow it. We go to the doctors on Monday so we'll see if he gets the OK to introduce other foods! From what I witnessed last night, I think he'll be a good eater.