Monday, March 17, 2014

Summer already?

Ok East Coasters - don't hate!
Spring is just 4 days away, yet San Diego has already hit summer, or at least it has felt that way.
The sun is out.  And I mean out.  85 degree beach days are a regular occurance around these parts these days.  I will take it.  I will gladly take it.
We have enjoyed being outside a lot.
I am getting a nice farmer's tan.
Jonah got a new short haircut.
Asher's pale baby skin has a tint of golden brown now.
Summer in March is fine with me.
Asher cruising the Zoo.  He LOVES the zoo.  He screams at the monkeys and howls at the fish.  Maybe he should move in?

Another Zoo lover.  His favorites are the snakes and polar bears.

Brotherly love.

This kid.  My 16 month old daredevil can ride a scooter.  Maybe it's from watching Jonah, maybe he's just super talented?  But he can ride like a pro already.

July or March?

Picked this gem up on the side of the road.  Yep, that's right.  A free sandboat!!  Don't worry I put in fresh sand.  The kids and I mean all the kids, neighbors from everywhere, love the sandboat.

My sweet sweet boy.  His "bowl" as he called it is gone.  No more long baby locks.  He got himself a big boy haircut.

Aunt Vicky got to visit!  We had a great time playing at the beach and swimming!  Wish she could have stayed longer.

The kid turned 4.  My baby turned 4!!!!  Here he is at all his birthdays from birth to present.  Ugh it happened way too fast for this mom.
In other news:
Jonah has graduated from the Pike Swim class and is now in the Eels.  He can swim all by himself!!
Asher still only has like 7 teeth.  Seriously, I am starting to wonder???
Asher is addicted to cookies.  If he sees one watch out.
Jonah got a bike for his birthday and rides like a champ (with training wheels).
Asher says lots of words now, but my favorite thing he says is Thank You or tank you.
Jonah is mr. popular at school.  As soon as he arrives in the morning, all the kids run to him.
I love my kids.  I am sitting here typing this with yogurt smeared on my pants, my hair is a mess and I am pretty sure it has a streak of diaper rash cream in it, and I am exhausted to the bone, but I am happy and so are my boys.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

catch up

I thought today - yikes I haven't updated the blog in a while. (sorry Grandma)
A month to be exact.
So here is a catch-up of sorts.
Not too much has changed. 
We continue with our weekly routines of preschool, swim-lessons, scootering, naps, tantrums, repeat?
Jonah's 4th birthday is tomorrow!  Yikes, hope I don't cry.
We had his party yesterday - super hero themed, pics below.
The party was originally going to be at the park, but it was a rainy day so we opted to have it at our house.  It was a bit tight with all the crazied 4 year olds running around our tiny house, but I think everyone (especially Jonah) had a great time!

Jonah likes to fold laundry!  Score for mom!  He will only fold the boy clothes, but if all I have to do is fold my own, then hey I can handle that!

My sweet Ash.  Still sweet, but is now 100% boy and 100% CRAZY.  You have to watch him like a hawk because 99% of the time he is doing something he shouldn't be.

Country days at school.  Jonah loves preschool.  He continues to do really well in a school setting.

That's my boy, writing his own name on all his valentines.  Go Jonah!
Ok so a small photo dump.  I guess I haven't been the best at pics lately.  I will try to be better!  This blog is supposed to be for family and friends near and far, but I know when Jonah drives off after he gets his license or Asher starts middle school, I will be crying like a baby reading these old posts and for that I must be better.  More updates, more pictures, more memories!