Monday, August 26, 2013


This picture doesn't need a title or any words really.
It's just simply amazing.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Afternoons

I love sunny summer days in San Diego.
And I am in luck, because 99% of them are just that.
My boys love them too.
Jonah runs and runs and runs, never seeming to tire.
Asher could crawl around the grass for hours.
After nap time, we like to head to our neighborhood park to do just that, run and crawl.

Summer is coming to an end, but lucky for us San Diego summers are a year round thing.


Jonah's first movie.
Disney Planes.
He wore the planes t-shirt.
Brought his little toy plane, Dusty, who's in the movie.
Talked loudly through the previews.....and some parts of the movie.
Sat in mom's lap for most of it.
Clapped when Dusty won the race.
Ate way too much popcorn and M&Ms.
Told me he "had so much fun at the movies."

Sorry the pic quality is bad.  Iphone's aren't so good in the dark.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Sandy bros and toes.

We Welte's just can't get enough of the sand.

Pop Pop's Visit

My dad recently came out for a quick visit and we had a really fun time.
Jonah loved showing Pop Pop all his toys and playing outside with him was his favorite.
As you all know, my dad loves the beach, so we spent most of his time with us in the sand.  My boys had no complaints as they, like their Grandpa, love the water, sand and all things ocean.
Pop Pop on the HammBoard.  A large skateboard with a paddle.  Who's having more fun?

At the beach!  He took Jonah surfing.  We got mixed reviews, but Jonah still talks about it so it couldn't  have been too tramatic!

Can't wait until he can come back to visit!  Wish we lived closer but we really love it when you visit!