Monday, April 29, 2013


It's almost summer. 

In CA that means the strawberries are sweet.

Almost as sweet as he is.


Yum. Freshly picked strawberries.  Sweet fruit, Sweet boy.

6 month old Asher.

Is so sweet.  He is honestly the sweetest thing in the world.  Even his sunday school teachers don't want to give him back after service.

Is starting to cut teeth?  Yes, that's drool!!!

Is typically a very happy boy, but he LOVES to be held so he does get mad if you put him down and he wants you!

Eating baby foods now. Just like his big brother - he only likes the orange ones (sweet potatoes, squash, carrots).

I am so excited to see his little personality grow.  I have a feeling he is going to be a lot different than his brother and it will be neat to see the differences and new challenges this little one will bring!

3 year old Jonah.

Has more personality than I know how to deal with.

Loves to go to the zoo.  His current favorite animals are, zebras, giraffes and snakes.  He has always done really well at outings like this and continues to be a fan of all "amusement" type parks, activities. 

Is learning to ride a scooter.  He is still my clumsy child and I probably should have purchased elbow and knee pads as well, but he loves "going fast" on his new ride.

He loves his momma most of all.  His favorite thing to do is snuggle.  He asks to snuggle about 50 times a day and sometimes I catch myself being annoyed.  I have to quickly remind myself that in the very near future the last thing this little toe headed angel will want to do is snuggle so I try to stop whatever I am doing a savor the snuggly moment.

Is potty trained!!!  This was a not so fun milestone, but we did it!  He doesn't even use a little potty - just the big potty and he is so proud of himself! 

Loves to paint.  I took him to an art studio the other day that had a real car inside that you can paint. What 3 year old boy doesn't want to paint a real car??

Crafting!  Jonah has never been a "crafter" as much as my mommy efforts have tried. But while mom's craft ideas don't engage him, the art studio had some fun ones that he actually sat down and did!  He made a dragon, a camera and a fish tank - yes THREE!  I can barely get him to color.

His first "camp-out."  Jonah is lucky to have great friends on our street.  They are older and mainly girls, but he doesn't care in the least.  He got to roast marshmellows by the firepit the other night. He had no interest in eating them, but he sure enjoyed catching them on fire.
My three year old Jonah challenges me everyday.  He is teaching me to be a more patient person in life and motherhood.  And while sometimes (a lot of times) he makes you want to scream, he quickly redeems himself with a smile or sweet comment.
I have a lot of joy ahead of me as I watch him grow.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Beach Season.

We had our first beach day of the year yesterday.  Lots of firsts actually.
Asher's first trip to the beach.
Jonah's first time wearing a wetsuit.
Jonah's first time boogie boarding.
Asher's first snooze in the sand.

Fun fun day.

Seagrove Park. 7 years later.

We recently took some family photos at Seagrove Park, the site of our December wedding just 7 short years ago.  

Special Day.