Monday, July 28, 2014

We Love The Beach.

It's a good think we live less than a mile from the ocean.
We sure do love to spend our days there.
My boys always smell like a combination of sunscreen, salt and sweat.
I find sand in every crease.
My favorite beach bum

These two love to tackle eachother in the sand, chase seagulls, and make dribble castles

Jonah's first surfboard!

He wasn't the biggest fan, but I know he'll get there.  In the meantime, he can just splash around.

Pizza on the beach with friends.
What better way to spend your summer.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Photo Dump.

Sorry Grandma - it's been almost two months since I posted. 
I will photo dump some highlights :)

Both the boys have a MAJOR sweet tooth.  Must get it from their Great Grandma Walsh :).  Asher especially loves anything with sugar!  Trader Joe's has these mini ice cream cones which are the perfect size for my little guys.  They beg for one after dinner almost every night.

Asher loves his daddy!  He's a lot more attached to Brody than Jonah was at his age.

Fun lunch at Padaro's on our way to Santa Barbara.  This restaurant is very smart!  They have a giant sandbox in the center surrounded by picnic tables so you can eat your burger in peace while the kids play!

Asher is obsessed with the TV Show, Peppa Pig.  I just ordered him these Peppa Pig dolls and he sleeps with them every night.

Found this gem on the side of the road!  The boys don't really play with it like I thought they would, but I thought it was a fun find!

They still love to play with the capes I made for Jonah's bday party.  They play together so much more now, which makes me very happy!

This is their absolute go to thing outside.  They scoot everywhere.  Asher is ridiculously good.  He is so coordinated!

My big boy on his first and last day of Preschool!!  He'll be in Pre-K next year.  I will be crying on his last day there....

Jonah likes to go on hikes with me and the dogs.  He walks the whole mile loop by our house!  Toward the end he complains most of the time, but he can do it! 

We have this little farm near our house that has pony rides on Wednesdays.  Took the boys there the other day.  Jonah's rode on a pony/horse before but this was Asher's first time!

We went to Santa Barbara this past weekend to pick up some bunk beds for the boys.  It was a quick trip but everyone did pretty good!  Santa Barbara is a beautiful place!  Traveling with kids is not as much fun, but we made the best of it and the boys got a really nice bunk bed out of it!

Brody and I at the San Diego Fair!

My personal superhero.
There were many more memories and I wish I could record them all!!  Being a mom, helping with the business and other life duties has wiped me out! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Colorado Springs.

So I was brave enough to book a flight to Colorado to visit the Agnews.
Not so brave you might say?
Well I did it all alone!  Yes alone, with a 4 year old and a 18 month old.
I really thought Asher was going to be the traveling nightmare, I mean  he is on the go 24/7 and won't sit still for a minute let alone a 2 hour flight.
Asher was a champ.  He did pretty good on both flights, slept amazing at Aunt Jody's house and while he got into everything at her house, he was overall an ideal guest.
Jonah, my sweet Jonah, on the other hand turned out to be a traveler's worst fear.
He had meltdowns on each flight.  Note to self - GET THE DARN KID A WINDOW SEAT!!
And he slept horrible the whole time.
BUT BUT BUT - we had a GREAT time.
It was so fun watching everyone play together and get to visit with my mom and sister.
Pain to get there - worth the effort!

These three got along beautifully!!  Jonah and Isabelle are kindred spirits I think.  These two would get into lots of trouble if they lived closer.  And my sweet Lilly is  just so precious and good natured.

Mimi with all her kids!

Jonah and Lilly really got into Putt Putt.  Isabelle wanted nothing to do with it!

Uncle J took the boys up to the Academy and both were so excited to see the planes.

Maybe a future cadet?

These two loves were my favorite.  At just 3 days apart it was so cute to watch them interact.  I wish we lived closer so they could really grow up together, but we will all do our best to get together a few times a year.  The Agnews might need to charter a plane with their growing broad, but we'll make it happen somehow!

Pop Pop.

I am a tad bit late on this post.
Ok so I haven't posted anything in over a month (sorry Grandma).
Over Spring Break my dad got to come and visit.
We had a really fun time!  He got to paddleboard everyday, check out the sales at the local surf shops and hang out with his two crazy grandsons.  I think he had a great time, I know my boys loved having him here!
We went to the beach for dinner one night and it was so fun!  Grilled hotdogs, flew kites and got really sandy.

My heart.

We've had a few super HOT days here in Cardiff, so I decided I better break out the muscle tees.

Chasing bubbles on the beach with Pop Pop.  Love this picture.  So happy my boys get to play and have fun with my dad.  Watching them fills me with such joy.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Morning paddle.

Proper equipment - check.

A boost to get started - check.
Calm water - check.

Fast learner - check.

Happy kid - check.


Life's a playground.

Especially when you are a boy.
Anything with wheels is a chance to go fast.

Anything with water is a chance to get wet.
Puddles, pools, baths, oceans.


Life's a playground if you're a Welte boy.
Wear a helmet.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Summer already?

Ok East Coasters - don't hate!
Spring is just 4 days away, yet San Diego has already hit summer, or at least it has felt that way.
The sun is out.  And I mean out.  85 degree beach days are a regular occurance around these parts these days.  I will take it.  I will gladly take it.
We have enjoyed being outside a lot.
I am getting a nice farmer's tan.
Jonah got a new short haircut.
Asher's pale baby skin has a tint of golden brown now.
Summer in March is fine with me.
Asher cruising the Zoo.  He LOVES the zoo.  He screams at the monkeys and howls at the fish.  Maybe he should move in?

Another Zoo lover.  His favorites are the snakes and polar bears.

Brotherly love.

This kid.  My 16 month old daredevil can ride a scooter.  Maybe it's from watching Jonah, maybe he's just super talented?  But he can ride like a pro already.

July or March?

Picked this gem up on the side of the road.  Yep, that's right.  A free sandboat!!  Don't worry I put in fresh sand.  The kids and I mean all the kids, neighbors from everywhere, love the sandboat.

My sweet sweet boy.  His "bowl" as he called it is gone.  No more long baby locks.  He got himself a big boy haircut.

Aunt Vicky got to visit!  We had a great time playing at the beach and swimming!  Wish she could have stayed longer.

The kid turned 4.  My baby turned 4!!!!  Here he is at all his birthdays from birth to present.  Ugh it happened way too fast for this mom.
In other news:
Jonah has graduated from the Pike Swim class and is now in the Eels.  He can swim all by himself!!
Asher still only has like 7 teeth.  Seriously, I am starting to wonder???
Asher is addicted to cookies.  If he sees one watch out.
Jonah got a bike for his birthday and rides like a champ (with training wheels).
Asher says lots of words now, but my favorite thing he says is Thank You or tank you.
Jonah is mr. popular at school.  As soon as he arrives in the morning, all the kids run to him.
I love my kids.  I am sitting here typing this with yogurt smeared on my pants, my hair is a mess and I am pretty sure it has a streak of diaper rash cream in it, and I am exhausted to the bone, but I am happy and so are my boys.